
Thank you for considering a gift to Ajax Turner.

With your support, we enable those 50 and older to stay involved while also providing valuable programs that assist in the essential needs of older adults who require special assistance.



  • Ajax Turner gladly accepts donations by mail. Please send your check or money order to:

    Clarksville Ajax Turner 50+ Center
    953 Clark Street
    Clarksville, TN 37040

    Please attach a note that includes:

    - Your name(s)
    - Address
    - Phone Number

    If your donation is an honor or memorial gift, please include who the gift is in recognition to. If your donation is to a specific program or cause (i.e the Senior Circle of Friends), please specify.

  • Donate online through our secure platform, linked above.

  • For more information on other ways you can support Ajax Turner, please email

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